Entrepreneurs and freelancers rejoice with these business cards! There is simply no reason to hand out a flimsy cheap run-of-the-mill card. You know which once I’m referring to. We all have seen the same old tired designs printed on cheap flimsy paper. Do you enjoy receiving them? Out of politeness you muster a “thank you”, and next moment you toss it away. A complete waist, and worse, a loss of business for the “proud” owner of the cards. Conclusion, do it right or not at all.
Now here are some trendy designs for 2018. What’s in style? Bold colors, minimalistic shapes, clear message, color (on both sides preferably) and a design that pops. We are often asked whether to UV (gloss) coat or not. I would like to offer this advice. If you use bold colors, use gloss. The advantages are a more smudge proof business card with intensive colors. But don’t take my word. Trends and styles are fickle and the matte look may very well be appropriate for the right application, such as the spa or minimalist black and white card. Here a link to some freelance business card tips.

1. A freelance design for the technical field. But, what about the out of the box thinking individual? Sure! May I suggest amongst many professions the programmer, property manager, freelance writer, graphic design, App developer, Search engine optimizer, 3D modeler etc.

2. A wonderful minimalistic black and white design. The logo points upward. The direction of your intended professional path. Perfect for the personal coach, motivational speaker, financial advisor, sales and marketing to name a few. Anybody that wants to be a cut above.

3. With this business card your intentions are pretty obvious. You want to work hard for your clients with tangible success. Financial advisors, SEO/SEM experts, branding professionals, web researchers, bitcoin expert or any goal oriented freelance profession.

4. Yellow and greys make a wonderful modern striking match. This design is not locked into any particular genre. Some suggestions come to mind, such as, data entry, human resource management, logistics, audio and video production, social media coordinator, community manager, transcription etc.

5. A very attractive business card for the freelancer. Greys and white with a dot of color. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the logo. You want attention and you mean business. So, we suggest this design for the freelance professional in the security business, video surveillance, forensic accounting, lawyer, technician, consultant or agents (I’m looking at you James Bond).

6. You freelance as a teacher? Well, this design exudes confidents in your ability. But, how about the patent attorney, electronic engineer, transcription, copywriter, programmer and researcher? I can see many applications for vocations in the intellect field.

7. Craftsman, carpenters and handyman are important people to society. They keep us comfortable and save in our dwelling. A lot of trust is placed into a professional that enters your house. So why do so many people in the trade either don’t have a business card or a really flimsy one? My advice, a small investment with great return on investment.

8. I just had to add this design. It’s edgy and in your face. Any creative individual is well suited with this business card.

9. An electrifying business card design. Sure, the electrician is well suited having this card in his pocket. But, what about the event organizer, copywriter, solar power technician/installer, price fighter, audio video production or the credit restore expert?

10. Why not look different than all the other realtors? Also suitable for the investor, developer, interior designer, broker and architect amongst a few suggestions.